Tuesday, May 20, 2014

BEST QUORA ANSWER ever tweeted.

Gaurav SinghGaurav SinghA prime number
This was asked for an analytics position in a major bank at US. The question was "We believe that people who get poor grades in college will have higher tendency to perform poorly in the corporate set up too and therefore, we don't hire people with poor grades.Given your poor grades, why should we hire you?"

I answered, "Your hypothesis is assumption based and not data driven. Even if your hypothesis is true, you need people like me who would serve as data points to test your hypothesis statistically." 

Got hired.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Joel Bauer, Howard Bloom, Mike Caro and very much missed Jay Levinson - all discuss marketing and perception

Ever watch the viral video "Your Business Card is Crap!"? 2.5 million views climbing everyday: Promoted directly from this short but Hero Studded Doc.